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SJR Fund

SJR Fund

32 Supporters
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What is the SJR Fund?

The SJR Fund is 'for our boys.' It provides key financial support to enable the school to enhance scholarships/aid, provide resources for our students and improve our campus and facilities.

Why are donations necessary?

Tuition and fees account for only a portion of SJR’s annual budget. Your gift provides the resources and opportunity for our Green Knights to develop into the Vir Fidelis, the faithful man, in and out of the classroom.

Think. Lead. Serve.

How does my gift to the SJR Fund make a difference?

These gifts are essential to the operation of SJR. In the fast-paced world of high school education in 2024, there are continuous and sometimes unforeseen needs for funds. Donations to The SJR Fund allow the school to provide greater resources and support to scholarships/aid, academics, ministry, facilities and more.

Thank you for your support!

Your generosity is helping students fulfill their highest potential. Some areas of impact include scholarships/aid, academics, classrooms, facilities and other resources for the boys.

All gifts to Saint Joseph Regional High School are tax-deductible as allowed by law. The school's federal tax ID number is 22-3812954.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!